

The AAUW Corpus Christi Branch holds at least seven general meetings each year.  The first general meeting is a “Rush” held to welcome new members.  The first meeting  also includes an agenda item to approve the annual budget, as presented by the treasurer.  The general meeting held in April is designated as the Annual Meeting when business includes hearing officers’ reports, electing new officers, and establishing annual dues.  Click here for a detailed list of the current year’s Branch programs.


The AAUW Corpus Christi Branch sponsors a variety of interest group activities for its members. Interest Groups enhance and extend the AAUW mission for members of the branch, and all groups abide by AAUW policies and principles.  Each Interest Group has a chair who is responsible for coordinating meetings, presenters, hosts, and member attendees.  Interest Groups may be created from time to time and may be discontinued in accord with the desire of the majority of members who participate in each group or who wish to create a new group.  A list of current Interest Groups is available here.