The AAUW Corpus Christi Branch held its May 2019 Luncheon at the Mirador on Timbergate Drive, starting at 11:00 a.m. After a welcome and introduction of visitors, including our special guest Brenda Moss, the AAUW Texas District Representative – South, the members enjoyed a superb luncheon.
Dottie Ewing called on the officers to provide a summary of their areas of responsibility. Betty Maroney reported on the success of the March book sale and reminded everyone about the upcoming May book sale. She described the breadth and uniqueness of two large bequests that Book FInders received this year, and encouraged everyone to come see the special display of books – many in mint condition – at the May sale. Betty also reminded members about the gift we received from Sue Stanford’s son, Frank Stanford, which will be used to provide a $1,500 scholarship to an Art major at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi this year.
Kelly Gonzalez and Diana Cardenas, co-Chairs of the Community Outreach committee, provided a report on the activities accomplished for the year, including the Christmas Shopping Spree at the YWCA and the recognition and monetary gifts to Moody High School graduating senior girls.
Kris Conlan, Membership Vice President, thanked everyone for the great job we did this year in recruiting new members. She announced that our branch had surpassed all others in Texas on the successful recruitment of new members for 2018-19. Congratulations to all! Members were reminded that it is time to renew their membership for 2019-20.
Janet Blanke reported on the first year activity of the STEM Committee. Everyone has agreed that the first outing to the Texas State Aquarium was an unqualified success, thanks to the wonderful work of the TSA staff. Janet reported that the feedback from the West Oso girls indicated that the best part of the day was having time to visit with the TSA female staff during the luncheon and talk about their jobs and their educational backgrounds. The STEM Committee has scheduled its next event for June 11 at the YWCA, with a movie (Hidden Figures), discussion following the movie, and swimming. The Committee is continuing to work on planning the fall activity at the Harte Institute on the Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi campus.
After additional reports from Catherine Cox, Program Vice President, Kelly Gonzalez, Financial Officer, and Janet Blanke, Secretary, Dottie Ewing presented a red rose as a thank you to everyone who served on the 2018-19 Board of Directors.

Left to right: Dr. Diana Cardenas; Shirley Selz; Carla Boisvenue; Kelly Gonzalez; Janet Blanke; Kristin Conlan; Dr. Catherine Cox; Betty Maroney; and President Dottie Ewing.
Brenda Moss, the AAUW Texas District Representative – South, was introduced, and she was called upon to perform the installation of new officers. Brenda welcomed in new Program Vice President, Dr. Sylvia Rendon; new Membership Vice President, Dr. Catherine Cox; and new Financial Officer, Dr. Vickie Natale.

New officers for 2019-20: Dr. Vickie Natale, Finance Officer; Dr. Sylvia Rendon, Program Vice President; and Dr. Catherine Cox, Membership Vice President. Brenda Moss from AAUW of Texas performed the installation of new officers.
Have a happy summer break, and we will see you again at the Fall Rush!
Article by Dr. Vickie Natale