100th Anniversary Rally and Celebration
for Women’s Right to Vote
Several community partners – AAUW Corpus Christi Branch, the Corpus Christi League of Women Voters, the Corpus Christi Alumni of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, and the Corpus Christi YWCA – held two special events that focused on the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. The events honored those women who – both then and now – continue the cause for equal rights for all women.

Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales unveiled the historical display on women’s right to vote. Other elected officials present were Thirteenth Court of Appeals Judge Greg Perkes, Texas State Representative Todd Hunter, District 2 City Councilman Ben Molina, 28th District Court Judge Nanette Hasette, and Nueces County Commissioner John Marez.

Members of the public perused the historical display.
The celebration began on Thursday, March 5, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. with a news conference held at the Nueces County Courthouse. Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales unveiled the 21-panel historical display focused on the history of women’s struggle for suffrage leading up to the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920, giving women the right to vote. The display will be available for viewing at the Courthouse during regular hours until March 30, after which it will be on a rotational schedule at the six Corpus Christi public libraries throughout the city.
On Saturday, March 7, 2020, at 10 a.m., the community partners hosted a gathering at the Nueces County Courthouse to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote. AAUW and LWV member Sandra Heatherley welcomed the audience to the event. Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales gave the opening speech, paying special tribute to the many women in history who worked relentlessly – even suffering imprisonment and torture – to achieve women’s right to vote. Over 300 community members attended, including men and women from the four community partner organizations, as well as numerous elected officials.
Following Judge Canales’ remarks, the audience reenacted the 1913 Washington, D.C., Women’s Suffrage March, with a procession from the Nueces County Courthouse to historic Artesian Park. AAUW members, including President Dottie Ewing, carried the AAUW banner in the procession.

County Judge Barbara Canales walked beside the AAUW members carrying the Branch’s banner.
At Artesian Park, AAUW Board member Shirley Selz introduced 117th District Court Judge Sandra Watts who talked about the continuing struggle for gender equality. Judge Watts gave a special thank you to the young women who attended the event. She noted that each generation passes the baton to the next generation to continue the fight for equal rights.

Several AAUW members participated in the procession to celebrate the achievement of women’s right to vote.

AAUW Board member Dr. Vickie Natale and YWCA President/CEO Nancy Wesson-Dodd, who is also an AAUW member, dressed in period costume for the procession.