The regularly scheduled May luncheon and meeting for this year was canceled due to social distancing guidelines for COVID-19. In lieu of the luncheon, Branch President Dottie Ewing scheduled a business meeting for May 9, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. to be held on Zoom for the installation of officers. All members were invited to attend. This was the branch’s first virtual meeting, and we were pleased to see 12 members logged into the Zoom meeting.
Secretary Janet Blanke provided the minutes of the previous meeting – with added notes on interim activities – via email to members. Minutes were approved as written.
Finance Officer Vickie Natale provided a financial report. Although our May book sale had to be cancelled, our budgeted sales total for the year has been met with higher-than-average sales in September, December, and February, as well as the added online sales from our eBay team.
Members were also reminded that now is the time to renew membership for 2020-21. Checks can be mailed directly to Vickie, or you can use the personal link emailed to each member for renewing online, if you prefer to pay by credit card.
Kelly Gonzales gave a report about the Miller High School graduating seniors celebration. For a complete report with pictures, please read the story provided here.
Despite some technical difficulties experienced by Annie Huckabee who was slated to conducted the installation of officers, Annie quickly emailed the script to Janet Blanke who was able to step in and complete the installation of officers for Shirley Selz, J.D., as President, Dottie Ewing, as Vice President of AAUW Funds, and Susan Birchfield as Secretary. What a great save, ladies!
Shirley thanked Dottie for her service as President over the past two years and mentioned that she has a commemorative AAUW pin to present to Dottie as soon as we are able to congregate. Dottie thanked all members who were able to attend the virtual meeting. We wish everyone a safe and healthy summer and hope to see you again in the fall.

Zoom attendees: President Dottie Ewing, Finance Officer Dr. Vickie Natale, incoming secretary Susan Birchfield, Secretary Janet Blanke, AAUW Funds VP Shirley Selz, Community Outreach chair Kelly Gonzalez, Silvia Whitworth, Book Finders Chair Betty Maroney, and Membership VP Dr. Catherine Cox. Not seen: Program VP Dr. Sylvia Rendon, Communications Chair Joanna Huckabee, and Dr. Amy Aldridge Sanford.