A meeting of the AAUW Corpus Christi Branch was held on Saturday, October 5, at 10:30 am. in the Del Mar College William F. White Library. President Dottie Ewing welcomed everyone and asked for introduction of new members and guests. Program Vice President Dr. Sylvia Rendon introduced our speaker, Dr. Barbara Szczerbinska, Physics Program Coordinator and Professor at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi.
Dr. Szczerbinska regaled the group with spirited stories about growing up in Poland and initially thinking that she would pursue a law degree. Although she gained an impressive background in Latin, Russian, German, and history, she eventually decided her dream was physics. With the support of her parents and various teachers, she finished a master’s degree in physics in Poland, then decided to pursue a doctoral degree in the United States – even while having only weeks to get indoctrinated to another language, English.
Dr. Szczerbinska discussed how physics is a female-underrepresented field and that women must frequently put forth additional effort to demonstrate they are as capable as men in science-related fields. Dr. Szczerbinska is a supporter of the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics, which holds annual three-day regional conferences for undergraduate physics majors. Attendance at the CUWiP has shown to have a positive impact on the persistence and graduation rates of female students in physics. Students gain mentors and make valuable contacts through conference attendance.
Dr. Szczerbinska emphasized that it is important for us to focus on getting parents to support their children in STEM programs and that we must start mentoring at an early age. She described a positive mentoring program model that brings together a middle school girl + high school girl + professional woman to help bridge the “age gap.”
Program Vice President Dr. Sylvia Rendon thanked Dr. Szczerbinska for her enjoyable program and presented her with a couple of children’s books to share with her family.
– Article and photos by Dr. Vickie Natale