The AAUW 2019 Membership Rush for the Corpus Christi Branch was held on Sunday, September 15, at the First United Methodist Church, from 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. President Dottie Ewing welcomed members and asked sponsoring members to introduce their guests.

Dr. Catherine Cox, Membership Vice President, introduced guests at her table.
Membership Vice President Dr. Catherine Cox kicked off the icebreaker, AAUW Bingo, which provided a time for members and guests to mingle and engage in conversations. After a winner was announced for the Bingo, members and guests enjoyed a refreshment break.
President Dottie Ewing reconvened the meeting and talked about the mission of AAUW. She introduced the Board of Directors, and each Board member provided a short report for their areas of responsibility, detailing the programs scheduled for the year, the community outreach activities planned, the book sale schedules, STEM committee activities, AAUW Funds, and the variety of interest groups formed for the year. Sign-up sheets were distributed around the tables for members to join committees and interest groups. In addition, members received their copies of the annual yearbook.

Placard commemorating the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote.
AAUW member Sandra Heatherley talked about events planned by the League of Women Voters, in coordination with AAUW, YWCA, Executive Women International, and Delta Signa Theta Sorority, to commemorate and celebrate the 100th year of women’s right to vote. The public Leadership Institute is scheduled for September 28, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, at the YWCA, and there is a separate event scheduled for September 25 on the Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi campus for students and youth to learn how campaigns work. A public walk is scheduled downtown on March 7, 2020, with several noted speakers, and a display is being developed to exhibit at the County Courthouse and the Corpus Christi Public Libraries. More information about these events will be distributed at later dates.
Membership Vice President Dr. Catherine Cox invited guests who are interested in joining the organization to complete a form, submit dues, and receive a copy of the yearbook. After President Dottie Ewing adjourned the meeting, the 55 attendees continued visiting with friends and guests.
Article and photos by Dr. Vickie Natale