2023 Recognition to College-bound Senior Girls from Miller High School
On Tuesday, May 9, 2023, members of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Corpus Christi Branch and Del Mar College AAUW student organization partnered to honor the achievements of 25 college-bound senior girls at Miller High School and Metropolitan School of Design. Kelly Gonzalez, chairperson of AAUW’s Community Outreach Committee, collaborated with Miller High counselor, Gerald Padilla, and with Cheryl Sanders, advisor for the Del Mar College AAUW student organization, to recognize the senior girls and their plans for higher learning.
Mr. Padilla opened the event, welcomed everyone, and thanked AAUW and Del Mar College (DMC) for their partnerships with the high school to champion the graduating seniors, empowering them to recognize their potential. Then, Kelly Gonzalez expressed the joy of celebrating the hard work and commitment of the girls and their decision to continue to achieve in their education, careers, and lives. She thanked them for investing in themselves. Kelly introduced Belinda De la Cruz, DMC AAUW student organization advisor, who presented the key speaker, Kaila Cavazos-Guerra, its president.

AAUW member Dr. Diana Cardenas spoke to the Miller High School honorees.
Ms. De la Garza highlighted the importance of DMC AAUW’s function: “The organization offers new experiences to learn and grow in their education and to become aware of important issues that impact women: gender equity, sexual violence, pay equity, and civil rights.” Also, she congratulated the senior girls and noted, “The best is yet to come.”
Speaker, Kaila, born and raised in Corpus Christi, is a graduate of John Paul II High School. She is enrolled in the Pre-Medical Technology program, has been an active member of the AAUW student organization for two years, and works as an office assistant in the Student Affairs office. Her passions include science and her family. In her address, titled “My Experiences of College and Things that I Wished I’d Knew,” Kaila spoke candidly about her first year with its difficulties, including COVID challenges, and her worries. Then, with the return to on-person classes, she discovered a new beginning and new resources. She noted, “I wished that I had known about numerous types of assistance to achieve. I took advantage of them. I applied for scholarships, and I joined AAUW.” She reached out to many people who helped her succeed. She told the girls, “Feel proud of what you have achieved.”
Principal Sandy Salinas-DeLeon and Gerald Padilla congratulated the senior girls and the mothers and grandmothers in attendance and thanked AAUW. Del Mar College AAUW advisor and members presented gift bags of items useful to the seniors for their college days. Community Outreach Committee members Kelly Gonzalez, Diana Reyes, Shirley Selz, and Diana Cardenas thanked the librarian, Megan Limerick, for use of the ample library.
The committee provided information to the seniors for their next journey in the links below:
10 Golden Rules for Personal Branding:
Use this worksheet to help create, refine, and live your personal brand.
Be careful what you are posting!
Colleges and Universities have many resources to help you succeed.
Counseling Center
Writing Center
Disability Center
Mathematics Tutoring Center
Online Library Sources
Center for Student Success
Student Access and Success-TRIO Program
Retention Services:
Trained staff members help students who have experiences that negatively affect their academic achievement.
Veterans’ Resources
Career Development
Food Pantry

2023 Miller High School Honorees with AAUW representatives
– Story by Dr. Diana Cardenas
2022 Peace of Mind Seminar
On Saturday, October 15, 2022, the Community Outreach Committee of the AAUW Corpus Christi Branch presented a seminar on “Peace of Mind” at the YWCA. The free seminar was open to the public, and more than 30 individuals attended.
The Seminar was designed to encourage individuals to plan for the end of life – for themselves and their loved ones. Attendees learned that planning for one’s own end of life and helping loved ones plan for theirs will bring to all greater peace of mind.
The speakers for the event included:
- Susan E. Hutchinson, J.D., an attorney with Davis, Hutchinson, and Wilkerson, L.L.P., who specializes in wills and probates and who is a former Y Women in Careers recipient. Hutchinson discussed relevant topics including: transferring assets into a living trust; creating a joint tenant with survivorship account; statutory power of attorney; medical power of attorney; directive to physicians; and executors for your will.
Dr. Sylvia Rendon, VP of Membership; speaker Susan Hutchinson; Dr. Catherine Cox, President
- Dr. Nestor Praderio, a geriatrician who has been in practice for over 48 years, specializing in psychiatry and geriatric psychiatry. As a geriatrician, Dr. Praderio focuses on the unique health needs of the elderly, including chronic diseases, such as dementia. Dr. Praderio discussed the progression of dementia and that, currently, there is no known treatment or medication that will cure or stop progression of the disease. The greatest risk factor for dementia is aging. Other high-risk factors include hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, alcohol use, and a person’s connection to others. Ways to help reduce the risk of dementia include a healthy diet, regular exercise, limiting alcohol, and keeping your blood pressure at a healthy level. Dr. Praderio stated that it is important to see a doctor early for diagnosis, to receive education and guidance about the disease.
Dr. Nestor Praderio
- Shanice Mendoza, a benefits counselor from the Coastal Bend Area Agency on Aging. Mendoza discussed the support services for the elderly that are provided by the agency. Many of the services are in high demand, resulting in a wait list for specialized services, such as assistance for clients needing environmental or medical equipment modifications to meet their needs. The agency runs a “Hope Closet” that has medical equipment that has been donated by others and is available for those in need. If you have medical equipment that you no longer need, they will accept donations for the Hope Closet.
Shirley Selz, Parliamentarian; Dr. Sylvia Rendon, VP Membership; speaker Shanice Mendoza; Dr. Catherine Cox, President
AAUW member Shirley Selz also developed a Planning Guide and made copies for attendees that can be used to assist with practical considerations regarding the needs of individuals as they age, face health issues, and approach the end of life. The Guide is intended to help users organize and gather information in a timely manner before last minute decisions must be made.
The AAUW Branch sincerely thanks members Kelly Gonzalez, Dr. Sylvia Rendon, Dr. Diana Cardenas, Shirley Selz, and Dr. Catherine Cox who planned and coordinated the event, as well as Nancy Wesson-Dodd and the YWCA for providing the venue for the event. The seminar was well received, and several attendees indicated that they would like to hear more.
Story and photos by Dr. Vickie Natale